Oct 2, 2011

Raking in the New Season

Denville, NJ circa 2007 

October has made her debut. It hearkens to me remembrances of years past 'Back East.' Funny, but when  I first moved to So Cal I smirked every time someone would refer to the East Coast in such a manner. It certainly didn't taken me long to understand the implication

Most of my memories of the changing of the seasons come from my life 'Back East.' That's easy to surmise as Southern California has a little-to-none seasonal change factor. I am certain that many Californians would challenge my conviction, but I have yet to see anyone pick up a rake and pile up the leaves, bag them, drag the bags to the curb and feel a complete sense of accomplishment that this yearly duty was once again completed. In our family this arduous chore was usually rewarded with piping hot chocolate and powdered cider doughnuts.

So, as I continue to reminisce of Octobers past, I will replace the hot chocolate with a  glass of Cali wine and give seasonal thanks that I no longer have to repeatedly place Band Aids on the blistered spot between my thumb and index finger as  a remnant of my October raking marathons.

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